v5.25.0301 is a minor release! Here are the update notes for your perusal...
Appointments/Schedules/Care Plans
__ Added ability to edit quick holidays by simply dbl-clicking on them.
__ Added "Appointment List by Booked Date" reports so you can get a list of appts booked during a certain date range.
__ Added Arrived Time to the Visual Roomer screen :)
__ Added "Set Active Patn" button to Visual Arriver.
__ Added ability to edit Quick Holiday descriptions by simply dbl-clicking the holiday in the schd.
__ Added “Group by Colour Code” options to Schedule reports to allow grouping by Patient’s Colour Code
__ Modified "Save Default Advanced" (Schd Layout) process to allow you to save multiple <All> layouts so that you can do things like save a layout for "All RMTs" or "All Chiros" for example. The process uses the selected calendar date to open schds as saved :)
__ Modified pracs.chirosuite.ca syncing to resolve a few syncing issues.
__ Modified pracs.chirosuite.ca to show first/last appt dates whether "Nav Appt Dates Only" was selected or not.
Billing/Payments/Items/Third Party
__ Added ability to transfer Patient Charges to 3rd Party Charges on original date of transaction instead of today's date to help with accounting issues. Contact Technical Support to discuss if you feel you need this implemented in your ChiroSUITE :)
__ Added Owing & FullTotal to billing screen as requested.
__ Added "Patients With 3rd Party Coverage Remaining" report so you can get a list of patients who still have 3rd party coverage! Reports -> Patient Reports -> 3rd Party tab
__ Added new flag to extended insurance setup for displaying PolicyHolder Date of Birth on extended insurance invoice.
__ Added [Exp] image on side menu to indicate when a patient has a credit card on file but it is expired!
__ Added "Include Date of Birth on Invoice" option in patient Extended Insurance setup to add DOB to invoice - this will affect all prints & reprints regardless of when flag was set/unset..
__ Added RCMP to Special search dropdown to make changes easier.
__ Added ability to [Update all AutoBill options] on Payor -> Advanced screen.
__ Added FullTotal to Billing screen to make patient communication easier :)
__ Added ability to [Submit for Payment (Portal/Manual)] from the TELUS eClaim screen so that you can submit through their portal & manually add into ChiroSUITE to receive payments.
__ Modified "Make Cheques Payable" font bigger to try to help with people not seeing it.
__ Modified Billing Adjustments, 3rd Party Transactions to show multiple payors & separate out different TELUS eClaim Payors.
__ Resolved issue with comments not showing in appt tooltip.
__ Resolved checkout issue that wouldn't open payment screen when an offsetting credit existed. Now if anything is charged to the patient or the patient has anything outstanding - the payment screen opens :)
__ Added ability to add attachments when emailing support through green checkmark.
__ Added security to Mailing List to copy or export emails - you'll need to add the security level to anyone who should have that ability :)
__ Added email event tracking to handle patients with emails that have been flagged as Rejected, Spam, Unsubscribed, or Hard Bounce - you will no longer be able to email these patients receipts, reminders, or include them in Mailing Lists. You will see a separate list in the Send Reminder Emails screen that will allow you to quickly see patients with issues, quickly remove reminders for these patients without removing the email, or creating bulk DoIt tasks to help you deal with.
__ Added Rejected, Spam, Unsubscribed, or Hard Bounce status updates to daily HotFixes so that they run daily for you.
__ Added ability to [Preview Email] in Patient Tracker -> Patient Logs -> Emails Sent.
__ Added ability to quickly update prac & appt names for text/sms through Utilities -> Email/SMS -> SMS Description Setup. These options are available in other screens, but this screen pulls them all together in one easy update place :)
__ Added a security level specifically for the email dump.
__ Added a differential option after [Create List for Texting] so that you can text those patients who have a cell phone and create a postal mailing list for those who don’t.
__ Added [Send Test Email] to the Template setup screen to make it easier to test your templates.
__ Modified Email Support process to pull clinic email instead of user's personal email (but defaults to send a CC to the user's email)
__ Modified underlying EA Email engine to 7.9
__ Modified Tax Calc to be consistent per patient for family billings.
__ Modified Utilities -> System -> System Settings -> Email tab -> “Automatically email receipts to To, CC, and BCC” flag to a more specific addition of specific CC & BCC email addresses (CRT1/CRT2/CRT3 & BRT1/BRT2/BRT3) for sending copy of receipts to for a patient. Hopefully this will make it simpler for clinics moving forward. We will not copy any setup info forward to avoid accidentally emailing receipts to anyone.
__ Modified Green GO button on toolbar to auto-correct itself if it doesn't work :)
__ Modified Logon screen to better show user logon information to help you know which machines/users to logoff when needed. Also added Features information to help clinics see the features available :)
__ Modified Schds load process to ignore whether the schedule is your default or not - just load all user & clinic layouts for you to choose from.
__ Modified data hiders (2 colored boxes on lock/logout) to accommodate larger screens.
Online Booking
__ Modified process to delete OB Availability for a certain day to set start/end times to the same time so nothing appears online :)
__ Resolved issue with End of Day "OB Troubleshooting Sync" process when "Exit after Processing" is checked - this process will not work as expected.
__ Added ColourBar support.
__ Added visual indicator when user is not allowed to edit patient comments. You can toggle off editing capabilities in User Security Rights -> System Options -> User: Allow to change patient comments.
__ Modified Credit Card entry to make sure it shows on the left hand side better.
__ Modified Credit Card display to show red EXP when credit card is expired
__ Resolved issue with patient labels when you have a patient with a really large address/address2.
__ Resolved issue that would sometimes occur when logging information on last call list item!
__ Resolved issue with Nickname on New Patient Wizard (worked fine on New Patient Quick)
Practitioners / Users
__ Added Copy Options buttons to each of the Option tabs in User Setup for easier distribution of settings (the SOAP additions are restricted by new security option - User: Allow to "Copy to ALL Pracs")
__ Added Users -> Change Your QuickLock Code.
__ Added sync between Work Schedule changes & Schedule Layout to help with co-ordinating your setup.
__ Resolved issue with updating your lock code.
__ Modified size of practitioner’s RegNum to 40 chars to allow for multiple designation numbers where needed. Updated all invoices to include use of this number.
__ Added "Patient ONLY Saw This (selected) Practitioner List report.
__ Added report tracking to A/R Reports.
__ Added Flagged Emails report to Patient Reports.
__ Added "Has *New* Patient Appt" flag to Prac Type Setup to allow you to use first visit as a trigger for new patient reports so that pracs with no new patn appt can still make use of reports. Set flag in Utilities -> Practitioners -> Practitioner Types / Consent
__ Added “Appointment List by Booked Date” reports so that you could get a list of when reports were booked for a patient or booked online.
__ Added Texting reports so you could stay on top of texting quantities.
__ Added "Write-Offs by Date Range (by Trans Date)" report so you can see your write-offs for a period of transaction dates.
__ Modified various report screens to highlight reports capable of creating Mailing Lists.
SOAP Notes & Paperless Office
__ Added size restrictions on files being added to your patient tracker!
__ Added a new PDF viewer version (4.05) to resolve some minor issues.
__ Added Tax Reports to allow for better comparisons & tracking. Also resolved issue that would sometimes affect report sales totals (not the tax totals).
__ Added Show In SOAP Doc Preview flag to allow you to hide certain types of files from the SOAP screen for easier document viewing. By default, we shut off Covid Questions by request but you can certainly turn it back on if you like :)
__ Added the following fillable forms from AB Edmonton Insight: General Requisition, Breast Procedure Requisition, Pain Management Requisition, MRI & CT Requisition.
__ Added ability to flag File Types to exclude from SOAP DocReview so that you can exclude some documents from showing on that screen – this will be helpful for clinics who captured forms during covid 😊. You can make changes in Utiltiies -> Patients -> File Types.
__ Modified Patient and Spec Doc processes to remember the last folder you selected from to make return selections quicker - this is by computer, not user.
__ Modified file selection process to remember the last folder you were using for simplicity & consistency.
__ Upgraded PDF control to 4.05 to resolve a few clinic issues.
__ Resolved issue with adding new SpecDocs.